Friday, July 29, 2011

It's Giudice, Gorga, Manzo Christmas in July RHoNJ SIP.WATCH.TWEET™

Materialistic Christmas.Click to Preview Empty Nest Christmas. Click to Preview
It's a Christmas In July Real Housewives of NJ SIP.WATCH.TWEET™ With
Rodney Strong Vineyards Symmetry Meritage

GIUDICE: Teresa and Joe Giudice's money problems, bankruptcy and court lawsuits are well known and documented. I was proud of Teresa when she said they want the children to know Christmas is not about material things, its's about love and family. Cut to the Giudice home on Christmas morning, the kids hopping on the bed, asking if they can open their gifts without their [sleeping] father. Of course the answer is NO, so they all head downstairs toward the gifts. Gifts including, not limited to: Uggs: $160, a kids pro drum set $199.95, a Mercedes Benz kids car: $560. Hmm...Teresa then says, "The kids are thanking Santa, giving him credit when I was the one running around getting them everything they want." ...I'm not so proud now.

GORGA: Check out the cutest lost footage of Melissa and Joe Gorga's children doing their Christmas Photos. And yes, since Melissa is doing it, Teresa had to Click to View

MANZO: Suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome the Manzos go for a stroll [really a drive] down memory lane. Albie and Chris are having Christmas in their new Hoboken digs, Lauren's with her boyfriend and their family whick leaves Caroline and Albert alone. This is their first time with no children on Christmas. Albert uses this as time for riding the same route they did many years ago. Reminiscing on when the children were little they would drive around to see the Christmas lights. Before the children, reminiscing when he was broke and so nervous when he proposed. At that moment, Albert stops the car, gets out, opens her car door and...

Now on to the SIP of SIP.WATCH.TWEET™
Rodney Strong Vineyards Symmetry Meritage

This Meritage fills your glass was dark palatinate purple and deep rosewood color hues. The fragrant aroma blends the ripest black fruits including mulberries, figs and plums among a backdrop of cinnamon sugar cookie dough. Extremely full-bodied the taste is complex and offers layer upon layer of huckleberry, loganberry and blackberry. The mouthfeel is silky, round, and peppered with sweet culinary spices like anise, fennel and clove.  Symmetry's finish is long and lingering, leaving you with blasts of the previous notes and a hint of blueberry pie. 

To order Symmetry Click on Link: Rodney Strong Vineyards
Let's SIP Symmetry, WATCH the Housewives and TWEET about it.

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